Reduced price tickets are now available!
By purchasing the supporter tickets, you help us finance the congress and make it possible for others with limited financial means to attend!
All tickets include dinner on Saturday and lunch on Sunday.
We kindly ask you, as described during the ordering process, to transfer the payment for your tickets.
Important: Please include your name or at least the email address associated with your order in the payment reference to ensure we can assign the payment correctly.
With your support, you enable others with limited financial means to participate. Additionally, you help us run the Palestine Congress more successfully and amplify Palestine’s voice, for example, through press releases (OTS), which can quickly become very costly, and much more.
Pre-registration for participation at a reduced price
Palästina Kongress Wien 2024
Organised by the association "For Democracy and Human Rights in Palestine"
ZVR: 1213260151
© 2024. All rights reserved.