Palestine Congress Vienna 2024 | 5.10 & 6.10.

For a free Palestine -without colonialism and apartheid!

When: 5th and 6th of October, 2024.
Where: Vienna, location to be announced

In the war against Gaza, the Israeli occupying army has so far killed over 40,000 Palestinians, the majority of them children and women, injured almost 100,000, completely destroyed the civilian infrastructure, displaced millions and made them homeless - and imposed a hunger blockade to boot.
The medical journal ‘The Lancet’ now reports in a study on more than 186,000 Palestinian victims as a result of the bombings and massacres by the Israeli occupying army, which have now lasted for more than 10 months.

All these unspeakable crimes are committed in the name of an inviolable "self-defence" based on a colonial and exclusive claim to a land in which the original population, the Palestinian people, are disenfranchised and displaced. Instead of being able to exercise their fundamental right to self-determination, the Palestinians are being subjected to an apartheid regime.

Large parts of the world, especially in the Global South, have turned their horror and indignation into solidarity. Millions upon millions, even in the West, are filling the streets and demanding:

Ceasefire now!

South Africa has brought a case accusing Israel of genocide before the International Court of Justice, which has accepted the case. It is the country that, with the help of the international solidarity and boycott movement, was able to free itself from white apartheid and fight for the equality of all before the law against Western colonialism, regardless of whether they were former colonial masters or oppressed colonised people.

It is the West, the USA, the EU and unfortunately also Austria, which not only enable apartheid, occupation, ethnic cleansing, indeed genocide, but actively support it. Huge amounts of weapons continue to flow to Israel. And our federal government has already voted three times internationally against a ceasefire.

The strong solidarity movement, including in our country, which is standing up against this, is being silenced with accusations of anti-Semitism. But more and more people, including those with a Jewish background, are saying ‘not in our name’. Freedom of expression and freedom to demonstrate are being restricted in an unprecedented manner, even to the point of criminal prosecution. Back then, they labelled Mandela a terrorist, today they label the Palestinian resistance - even though it is legitimate according to international law.

The decisive factor here is the reversal of anti-fascism. The Mauthausen oath was: never again war and imperialism. But that is exactly what they are doing again: war, fascism, imperialism. Anyone who opposes this and supports the Palestinian resistance against annihilation is persecuted as an anti-Semite - what an Orwellian twist. We stand by our position:

Never again - for everyone!

To make our moral outcry politically effective, we are organising a Palestine Congress.

The aim is to

  • give a voice to the Palestinian and international resistance against the genocide;

  • provide a platform for the majority of Austrians who do not want to support the genocide by the ruling elites and are in favour of neutrality;

  • question the Zionist narrative that disguises barbaric settler colonialism as "protection from anti-Semitism".

Yanis Varoufakis (joining live via video link) is a Greek politician, former finance minister and co-founder of the Mera25 party. Varoufakis is known for his long-standing solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Amira Hass is a renowned Israeli journalist, winner of the Bruno Kreisky Prize for services to human rights, who is best known for her reporting from the Palestinian territories. Her work focuses on the living conditions of Palestinians under Israeli occupation.

Ghassan Abu Sitteh (Unfortunately, unable to attend at short notice, but will share a personal video message) is a Palestinian doctor specialising in plastic and reconstructive surgery and Rector of the University of Glasgow. During the horror of the Israeli bombardment of Gaza, Abu Sitteh spent 43 days in Gaza with "Doctors Without Borders" and worked there in the Al-Shifa hospital.

Hebh Jamal is a Palestinian journalist. In her work, Jamal exposes the anti-Palestinian racism of German politics, media and the judiciary. Jamals journalism but also her activism has made her a central voice in the movement not just in the USA but also in Germany.

Azzem Tamimi is a Palestinian academic, author and political activist who is deeply involved with Islamic political movements and the Palestinian cause. He has published several books and articles dealing with Islamism and politics in the Middle East.

Ilan Pappé (Also unable to attend, but will share a personal video message) is an Israeli historian and professor at the University of Exeter and was previously a lecturer in political science at the University of Haifa. He is best known for his book ‘The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine.

Salah Abdel-Shafi is a Palestinian economist and Palestinian ambassador to Austria and permanent representative to international organisations.

Iris Hefets born in Israel and board member of the "Jewish Voice" in Germany. She edited the "Kedma" portal, a platform for Mizrachi discourse in Hebrew. She left Israel in 2002 for political reasons and has lived in Berlin ever since, where she works as a psychoanalyst in Neukölln.

Our Speakers:

Shelly Steinberg is an Israeli social activist and expert on social justice and human rights. She is involved in various civil society organisations and initiatives that campaign for the rights of marginalised groups in Israel. Steinberg is known for her work in the fields of education, women's rights and intercultural dialogue.

Haneen Zoabi is a former Arab member of the Knesset and campaigned for equal rights for all, for Palestinians and especially for women.

Stavit Sinai is a lecturer in philosophy and a committed anti-apartheid activist. In the recent past, together with the "Pal Action" initiative, she was involved in occupations and blockades of several weapons factories of the Israeli company "Elbit" in the UK.

Andrew Feinstein is a South African author, politician and activist with Austrian roots. His parents were Holocaust survivors who emigrated to South Africa after the Second World War. Feinstein is known for his commitment against the global arms trade and was formerly a member of the South African parliament for the African National Congress (ANC). He stood as an independent candidate in the recent UK elections with his pro-Palestine stance and is challenging the Labour Party.

Ahmad Othman is a Palestinian political activist, former member of the now banned group Palestine Solidarity Duisburg and victim of repression and anti-Palestinian racist politics in Germany. His activism has allowed him to gain experience of repression in the Palestinian movement throughout Germany.

Qassem Massri is a Palestinian activist and pediatrician specializing in neonatology, pediatric intensive care, and pediatric cardiology. He was part of an interdisciplinary medical team that was deployed in the Gaza Strip from April 15 to 29, 2024. His presentation focuses on the medical and humanitarian conditions that prevailed during this mission in three different hospitals.

Thomas Zmrzly A labor unionist in a hospital and a member of the Committee Against the Ban on Palestine Solidarity in Duisburg. For more information, visit

Attia Rajab Founder and long-time activist of the Palestine Committee Stuttgart. His family lives in the Gaza Strip. In his latest interview with SWR, he said, "My parents, my siblings, and brothers have been displaced. They have been living in tents for seven months, without any means of subsistence. No electricity, no water, no medication."

Salakh Zakut Born in 1954 in Palestine, holding Ukrainian citizenship and a doctoral degree in philosophy. Former director of the Ukrainian-Arab Institute of International Relations in Kyiv, and director of the Arabic Cultural Institute "Abu Rushd" at the European University. Member of the Arab House of the European Peace Council (Ukraine branch) and a political activist in the global solidarity movement.

Naji El Khatib, born in 1954 in Beirut to a refugee family, expelled from Jaffa-Palestine in 1948. El Khatib received his Ph.D. in political sociology in 1996 from the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He has worked as a researcher at “Medfil Humanities Institute” in Paris and as an assistant professor at “An-Najah National University”, Nablus.

Andreas Wimmer Librarian, Marxist, and founder of the alliance "Voices for Neutrality."

Participants from Austria:

Irina Vana Sociologist and leading candidate for Liste GAZA.

Ernst Wolrab Communist, former Secretary of the KZ Association, removed for his stance against apartheid. Descendant of communist and Jewish victims of the Nazi regime.

Kevin Potter Literature scholar at the University of Vienna specializing in migration, Marxism, and Palestinian literature. Author of Poetics of the Migrant: Migrant Literature and the Politics of Motion.

Dr. Sami Ayad Born in Yaffa, a survivor of the original ethnic cleansing of Palestine (Nakba), doctor, and Chairman of the Palestinian Community in Austria.

Hannes Hofbauer A publicist and publisher, he is the head of Promedia Verlag. He studied economic and social history, wrote for magazines like Konkret and junge Welt, and authored books on the political and economic situation in Eastern Europe. Since 1991, he has led Promedia Verlag in Vienna, and since 2011, he has co-directed it with a colleague.

Willi Langthaler Born in 1969 in Graz, he studied philosophy and is a trained electrical engineer. He played a leading role in initiatives against the NATO war in Yugoslavia and the US invasion of Iraq, as well as in peace initiatives for Syria.

Marco Wanjura Gastronom, co-founder of BDS Austria, activist in Palestinian solidarity, and candidate for Liste GAZA.

Martin Weinberger Germanist, proponent of Selbstbestimmtes Österreich, and candidate of Liste GAZA. He views it as his duty to take responsibility in times of authoritarian politics and social erosion. His concerns include the alignment with the EU, NATO, and USA, as well as the sacrifice of environmental protection. Weinberger calls for a democratic opposition to reclaim Austria’s self-determination.

Noura Hashem Chairperson of the Handala Cultural Association and candidate of Liste GAZA, Noura Hashem grew up in Vienna and has also lived in Palestine. She is committed not only because of her Palestinian background but because she upholds the values of humanity: "We are all human and have a right to freedom and dignity—not just here in Austria, but globally."

Topoké Panafricanist and candidate of Liste GAZA, he is an artist and teacher with roots in the Congo. He is committed to fighting racism, chauvinism, and oppression. “Everyone can expose injustices and stand against exclusion.” Solidarity from the Global South, especially from Africa, demonstrates the strength of the resistance against genocide and apartheid.

Fritz Edlinger Born in 1948 in Vienna, Fritz Edlinger is the Secretary General of the "Society for Austrian-Arab Relations" and editor of the journal International. He regularly contributes guest commentaries to Kurier and Wiener Zeitung. Under his editorial leadership, Promedia Verlag has published books such as Mit Pinsel und Spraydose gegen die Besatzung (2016) and Der Nahe Osten brennt (2016).

Rames Najjar University lecturer and architect with roots in Lebanon.

Saria Dalig Inspirator of the Vienna-based Jewish initiative "Not in Our Name" and candidate of Liste GAZA.

Supporters of the Palestine Congress Vienna 2024:

If you would like to support the Congress with your name or organization, feel free to contact us – the form is below!

Let’s give Palestine a voice!

  1. Dalia Sarig-Fellner, Jewish peace activist with the "Not in our name" initiative.

  2. Nura Hashem, Austro-Palestinian, Culture Association Handala.

  3. Isra Doghman, Rapper and activist with Palestinian roots, winner of the FM4 Protestsongcontest 2022 with her anti-racism song "9th November."

  4. Ernst Wolrab, Communist, member of the KZ Association, and descendant of Jewish communist resistance fighters who were murdered in the concentration camps.

  5. Heini Staudinger, GEA entrepreneur, presidential candidate in 2002, activist, Schrems.

  6. Shadi Abudaher, Internist, primary physician from Gaza.

  7. Irina Vana, Sociologist, Anti-Imperialist Coordination.

  8. Fritz Edlinger, Publisher of "International" and Kreiskyian in the SPÖ.

  9. Kilian Paula, Chairman of KPÖ Villach.

  10. Marco Wanjura, Palestine Solidarity Austria.

  11. Franz Sölkner, Styrian Peace Platform.

  12. Simon Macheiner, Voice for Palestine, Salzburg.

  13. Martin Weinberger, Germanist, Self-Determined Austria.

  14. Wilhelm Langthaler, Activist for a fairer world order.

  15. Franz Piribauer, DIEM25, Coordinator Vienna.

  16. Monika Vykoulal, Member of Judeobolschewiener.

  17. Ortwin Rosner, Philosopher and publicist, Vienna.

  18. Christina Angerer, Psychotherapist, Innsbruck.

  19. Wolfgang Berger, Art Director, small business owner, activist, Vienna.

  20. Fernando Romero-Forsthuber, Filmmaker.

  21. Vedrana Covic, KPÖ member.

  22. Dylan Pattillo, KPÖ member.

  23. Andreas Wimmer, Initiative Platform Democracy.

  24. Topoke, Artist and teacher with Congolese roots.

  25. Tarkan Tek, Social scientist.

  26. Astrid Wagner, Defense attorney.

  27. Mary Pampalk, US citizen, long-time activist in Tanzania and Mozambique, member of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, and now with Women in Black Vienna.

  28. Josef Pampalk, Africa and political scientist, historical engagement against Portuguese colonialism and South Africa's racism in Southern Africa, former Catholic missionary, expelled from Mozambique in 1971, now active against apartheid policies in the Middle East.

  29. Yeliz Dagdevir, Psychologist and diversity activist, Innsbruck.

  30. Peter Oberdammer, Historian, Vienna.

  31. Asim Bojadzi, Lawyer, top candidate of Liste GAZA in Vienna North-West.

  32. Eva Pfisterer, Journalist.

  33. Karl Rottenschlager, Theologian, social worker, and founder as well as long-time leader of the Emmaus Community St. Pölten.

  34. Michael Pröbsting, Palestinian activist sentenced to 6 months in conditional custody for political support of the resistance.

  35. Karl Helmreich, Benedictine, Hirtenberg.

  36. Erika Mourgues, Member of SVU Socialism from Below, Berlin, Germany.

  37. Johannes Wiener, Gardener and ecologist.

  38. Anthony Löwstedt, Communication scientist, Vienna.

  39. Prof. Helga Baumgarten, Scientist and author, Birzeit University, Palestine.

  40. Helmut Sauseng, Peace activist, activist for civil and human rights, against the omnipotence of the WHO, Vienna.

  41. Gunter Zeilinger, Open-source software (healthcare) developer, Vienna.

  42. Iman Shaker, Dar al Janub - Association for Anti-Racist and Peaceful Initiatives, Vienna.

  43. Michael Pand, Hainburg, Germany.

  44. Ahmad Hijawi, Jenin, Palestine.

  45. Dr. Erich Wartecker, Retired judge, Vienna, Austria.

  46. Henriette Al-Shaban, Psychosocial counselor, Vienna, Austria.

  47. Nadine Najim, Office, Vienna, Austria.

  48. Ariana Macon, Biologist, Vienna, Austria.

  49. Regine, Hamburg, Germany.

  50. Arwa Elabd, Bookseller, Vienna, Austria.

  51. Shaddin Almasri, Scientific researcher, Austria.

  52. Alina Dwaoud, Education student, case manager, Vienna, Austria.

  53. Aylin Ak, Vienna, Austria.

  54. Haruko Maeda, Vienna, Austria.

  55. Catalina Martinez, Colombia.

  56. Masah Alchach, Vienna, Austria.

  57. M. Stummer, Vienna, Austria.

  58. Mahmoud Shukry, Vienna, Austria.

  59. Claudia Toman, Author, Vienna, Austria.

  60. Igor Böhm, Freistadt, Austria.

  61. Margit Leyrer, High school teacher (retired), Gleisdorf, Austria.

  62. Karl Leyrer, Retired political educator, Gleisdorf, Austria.

  63. Elisabeth Namdar, Vienna, Austria.

  64. Christl Meyer, Women in Black, Vienna, Austria.

  65. Nadine Karaman, Austria.

  66. Dr. Heinz Leitner, Retired civil servant of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Austria.

  67. Amjad Ibraheem, Vienna, Austria.

  68. Andrea Drescher, Peace activist, Austria.

  69. Wolfgang Puschnigg, Vienna, Austria.

  70. Sabri Ben Hassen, Tunisian youth movement in Germany, Frankfurt, Germany.

  71. Ayten Arslan, Vienna, Austria.

  72. Thomas Prader, Dr., retired lawyer, Vienna.

  73. Medina Avdagić (Gunić), Coordinator of International Workers Aid, Austria.

  74. Meinrad Schneckenleithner, GRÜNE party member, Lichtenberg, Austria.

  75. Renate Bursik, Palestine Solidarity, Vienna, Austria.

  76. Zeynep Türel, Vienna, Austria.

  77. Monika Mokre, Political scientist and political activist in the fields of asylum, migration, and prisons.

  78. Corinna Oesch, Historian at the University of Vienna.

  79. Bernhard Heitz, Emeritus bishop of the Old Catholic Church in Austria.

  80. Thomas Zechner, Historian and bicycle messenger.

  81. Karl-Heinz Hinrichs, Environmental and peace activist, Ramsau am Dachstein.

  82. David Sonnenbaum, Survival activist.

  83. Benjamin Fasching-Gray, Activist Judeobolschewiener.

  84. Markus Raithmayr, Architect, Lans, Tirol.

  85. Charly Walter, Open space, Innsbruck.

  86. Silvia Trattnig, Psychotherapist, Innsbruck.

  87. Claudia Fritz, Artist, Lans, Innsbruck.

  88. Ebru Durukan, Vienna, Austria.

  89. Verena Hopfner, Music therapist & research associate, Germany.

  90. Sami Ayad, Dr. med., Vienna, Austria.

  91. Thomas Lang, Diploma nurse, Salzburg, Austria.

  92. Daniel Haselwanter, Musician, Imst, Austria.

  93. Judith Rachbauer, Peace activist, WILPF, Schildorn, Austria.

  94. Ruth Katz, Vienna, Austria.

  95. Özlem Kalkan-Deveci, Dermatologist, Koblach, Austria.

  96. Elif Kızılboga A., Specialist in gynecology/obstetrics, Bregenz, Austria.

  97. Angie González, Abya yala descolonial, Austria.

  98. Canan Şenel, Hohenems, Austria.

  99. David Wögerbauer, Vienna, Austria.

  100. Alessandra Guido, Researcher, Rome, Italy.

  101. Siraj El Masri, Austria.

  102. Laura Weissenberger-Silva, Artist/Filmmaker, Vienna, Austria.

  103. Ahmed Al-Jabouri, Vienna, Austria.

  104. Nalan Tasdögen-Kaya, Feldkirch, Austria.

  105. Hüseyin Evren, Doctor, Innsbruck, Austria.

  106. Semra Kandemir, Playgroup leader, Vorarlberg, Austria.

  107. Nazlican Kalkan, Deputy Managing Director, Vorarlberg, Austria.

  108. Elisabeth Lindner-Riegler, Vienna, Austria.

  109. Rames Najjar, Architect and product developer, Vienna, Austria.

  110. Johann Wührer, Roman Catholic priest, Linz, Austria.

  111. Christian Wetschka, Educator, supervisor, pastoral assistant, Vienna, Austria.

  112. Tristan Jorde, Actor, director, Vienna, Austria.

  113. Klaus Suleiman Kufner, Freelance journalist at Al Jazeera, Vienna-Doha-Rabat.

  114. Jussuf Windischer, Theologian, etc. Chairman of Vinzenzgemeinschaft, Innsbruck.

  115. Gisela Posch, Garden therapist, Hanstedt, Germany.

  116. Ferdinand Kaineder, Theologian, communication coach, president of the Catholic Action Austria.

  117. Ewald Benes, Professor emeritus at TU Vienna, former chairman of the Laieninitiative.

  118. Wolfgang Schiller, Photographer, peace activist, Eutin, Germany.

  119. Thrassyvoulos Papadopoulos, Greece Solidarity Committee Kiel, Germany.

  120. Heinz Lederleitner, Dr., emeritus bishop of the Old Catholic Church in Austria.

  121. Matthias Lauer, Chairman of the Working Group for Christianity and Social Democracy.

  122. Nickhil Sharma, Social researcher, Norwich, United Kingdom.

  123. Dr. Bert Preiss, University lecturer & peace researcher, Vienna, Austria.

  124. Nedim Klipo, Chairman KPÖ Ottakring-Hernals, city board member KPÖ Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

  125. Laila Mahfouz, Canada.

  126. Peter F. Mayer, Publicist, editor of, Vienna, Austria.

  127. Regina Brandstetter, Social worker, Vienna, Austria.

  128. Adriana Montanaro, Austria.

  129. Lilly Brandstetter, Social educator, Vienna, Austria.

  130. Rukaia, Researcher/activist, Berlin, Germany.

  131. Dr. Frank Haidar, Peace activist, Vienna, Austria.

  132. Saad Malik, Software engineer, Zurich, Switzerland.

  133. Bashar Zapen, Industrial medical designer & researcher, Kiel.

  134. Veronika Hilmer, NGO project manager, Berlin.

  135. Hayrunnisa Acin, Vienna, Austria.

  136. Diana Bulzan, Vienna, Austria.

  137. Bohán Bálint, Sales agent, Budapest, Hungary.

  138. Elisabeth Dokulil, Psychotherapist, Vienna.

  139. Andrea Wögerbauer, Austria.

  140. Priscilla Cassar, Malta.

  141. Dusty Whistles, Artist, Vienna, Austria.

  142. Dania Haddad, Malta.

  143. Tasnim, Austria.

  144. Tibor Zenker, Author, Austria.

  145. Karin Krims, Retired librarian, Vienna, Austria.

  146. Angelika Beer, Teacher, Mödling, Austria.

  147. Gerhard Drexler, Retired, Vienna, Austria.

  148. Samy Othman, Vienna, Austria.

  149. Dietlinde Alphart, Trainer in German as a foreign language, Vienna, Austria.

  150. Hallak Regina, Craniosacral biodynamics/midwife, Vienna, Austria.

  151. Emel, Teacher, Feldkirch, Austria.

  152. Veronika Rochhart, Graz, Austria.

  153. Ines Stoderegger, Location manager, Gaspoltshofen, Austria.

  154. Luna-Alyssa Chommakh, Student and musician, Vienna, Austria.

  155. Lara Chommakh, Student, speaker at RK and activist, Vienna, Austria.

  156. Tuncay Yazgül, Vienna, Austria.

  157. Shafqat, Researcher, Graz, Austria.

  158. Frank Hernández, PhD candidate in philosophy, Charles University in Prague, Juarez/Prague, Mexico/Czechia.

  159. Matthias B. Lauer, Innsbruck, Austria.

  160. Abeer Haidar, Consultant, Vienna, Austria.

  161. Claudia Mongini, Philosopher, Vienna, Austria.

  162. Rami Ali, Political scientist & Islamic studies scholar, Vienna, Austria.

  163. Nabila Irshaid, Visual artist, Vienna/Palestine/Germany.

  164. Andrea Torres, Reynosa, Mexico.

  165. Georg Zlabinger, Proletarian, KPÖ member, Vienna, Austria.

  166. Gholamhossein Mashhadi Gholamhossein, Massage therapist, Vienna, Austria.

  167. Verena Hopfner, Music therapist & research associate, Germany.

  168. Gysin Soder, Palestine Solidarity Region Basel, trade unionist / human rights activist, Basel, Switzerland

  169. Marcelo Gauster, member of the KJÖ

  170. Hildegard Schmid, retiree, Vienna

  171. Nedim Klipo, chairman of KPÖ Ottakring-Hernals, member of the KPÖ Vienna city leadership

  172. Mag. Anni Haidar, Vienna

  173. Zohar Chamberlain Regev, activist, Freedom Flotilla, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  174. Joshua Makalintal, researcher, Innsbruck, Austria

  175. Hiyam Biary, artistic/political visual artist, Berlin, Germany

  176. Hassan Noah, Austria

  177. Lucia Ashry, retired teacher, Linz, Austria

  178. Shaban Ashry, retired technician, Linz, Austria

  179. Silvia Vlogger, Austria

  180. Maria Bissan Canaan, translator, activist from Jenin, Palestine

  181. Gerhard Kofler, peace and environmental activist, Vienna

  182. Friedbert Boxberger, peace activist, German Communist Party (DKP), Heidelberg, Germany

  183. Selma Nisic, Supervisor, Vienna, Austria

  184. Dr. Salah Hirmas, Founder & CEO Hirmas Consulting, Austria

  185. Erika Gruber, Vienna

  186. Anja Baier, Project Manager, Germany

  187. Ralf Pleger, film and stage director, Germany

  188. Silvia Volgger, Austria

  189. Iris Kaloo-Müller, social and cultural educator, psychotraumatologist, KPÖ member, Graz, Austria

  190. Tabea Marten, artist, Berlin, Germany

  191. Elizabeth Ordonez, Hispanist/writer, Vienna, Austria

  192. Sadettin Kaplan, mechanical engineer, technician, Augsburg, Germany

  193. Annette Thieme, mindfulness trainer, Berlin, Germany

  194. Alexander Muth, poet and publicist, Vienna, Austria

Groups and initiatives

  1. YANTE - Youth, Art & Levante Art Association, Vienna

  2. Anti-Imperialist Coordination (AIK)

  3. Styrian Peace Platform

  4. Solidarity Workshop Austria

  5. BDS Austria

  6. Self-Determined Austria (SEBÖ)

  7. EVAL Respect for All Life, Ramsau am Dachstein, Austria

  8. PIFA - Rom, Italien

  9. Palästinakomitee Stuttgart e. V., Stuttgart, Austria

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